centerpoint news

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Sunday Services ⛪


Two Sunday Services, 9 & 10:45.

Pre-service prayer time is open to everyone, taking place at 8:30 am in the Family Room off of the Commons.

This Sunday!

Baptism This Sunday February 9th. Baptisms will be happening during the morning worship services this Sunday Feb. 9th. It’s not too late if you are interested in taking this next step on your journey of following Jesus.

Reach out to a CP Staff member or Elder, even on Sunday morning to determine the next step. Prior to Sunday, if you just want to know more about baptism, you can pick up a short Baptism guide outside the reception office.  Or email info@centerpointnh.org to let us know you’re interested.

Join Us!
Saints Alive

Saints Alive on Wednesday Feb. 12 will welcome Paula Roby-Parker from Americorp Seniors, a fully funded federal program that provides visitation, companionship and assistance services with errands, encouragement and more. Lunch starts at noon.

We hope to see you there and bring a friend.  Bill & Charlotte  billpytcg@gmail.com

February 16
GRO Luncheon

His Mansion GRO Luncheon will take place Sunday Feb. 16 following the 10:45am service. A representative from His Mansion will share more about the work that God is doing in and through this special ministry.

February 23
All Church Sledding Party

LAST MINUTE ADDITION: An All Church Sledding Party sponsored by the Johnson Family Group is being planned for Sunday, Feb. 23rd from 2 to 4pm at the Anderson's: 693 Kearsarge Mtn. Road, Warner, NH.

More details will be coming soon, but mark your calendar to take part in this fun event as a participant or observer. For questions, contact: Patty Anderson, 603 560-6143 or hikerpatty@gmail.com 

Join A Group Today!
CenterPoint Groups

CP Groups to Check Out - There are so many ways to be involved at CenterPoint beyond the Sunday services. Groups play a significant part in moving the church FWD TOGETHER. Check out all the groups here.

Hard copies of Groups and Teams can also be found in the Worship Center foyer and outside reception in the Commons.

Coming Soon!
Financial Peace University

NEW: Financial Peace University classes will be starting Monday, March 17th at CenterPoint and will continue for 9 weeks on Monday evenings. Being good stewards of our finances is confirmed by God’s word, and no matter where you stand financially, Financial Peace will help you work through issues of debt, savings and the overall management of your financial situation.

Sign ups will be starting soon, but in the meantime, if you have questions please contact Dave at davep@centerpointnh.org

Calling All Moms!
Mom to Mom 👩‍🍼

Mom to Mom meets Tuesdays from 9:15 to 11 am at CenterPoint. Childcare is provided. To learn more about Mom to Mom, check out Groups/Teams on the CP website or contact Susan O’Neil atatsonos31@comcast.net

Coming Soon!
Ladies Valentine’s Day Party

Ladies Valentine’s Day Party – Feb. 8th. Do you like a good love story? Would you enjoy a few hours of pampering? Bring a friend and join us on Saturday, February 8th from 9-12pm in the CenterPoint Commons for a Ladies’ Valentine’s Day Party. Questions: please contact Heather G.   603 369-1611

Here To Help
CityHope NH

CityHope NH plays a very important role in the greater Concord area by coming alongside the financially challenged in and around the Concord Community by offering counsel as well as resources to support families in need. CityHope also hosts the pantry at CP every 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month.

Take a moment to check out all that CityHope does by clicking on the CH logo at the bottom of each CenterPoint website page or click on: https://cityhopenh.org/what-we-do

Join The Fun!
CP KIDS On Sundays 🎉

Here is what you need to know about CP Kids: 

⦁ For Birth - 4 years, you will check in at the kids check-in booth in the Commons, then bring them right into their DOWNTOWN classrooms for both the 9 am and 10:45 am services. 
⦁ Kids who are in the K-4th grade will check in and head to the beginning portion of the 9 am worship service only with their families. During worship, they will be dismissed to their UPTOWN classes. Uptown isn't open during the 10:45 am service.

Have questions? Email jess@centerpointnh.org 

Check It Out!

Calling ALL 5th - 12th Graders!!! CP Students on Tuesdays is going strong. ALL Students will meet each Tuesday from 6:30-8:30pm at CenterPoint. You’ll still see snacks, intentional relationship building/hang out time, and separate large and small groups for both middle school (5th-8th grade) and high school (9th - 12th grade).

For more detailed information regarding programming, email jess@centerpointnh.org 

Subscribe Today!
CP Podcast 👂

Sunday Message Podcasts – You can listen to a podcast of the Sunday message on the the website here or your favorite podcast provider:

centerpoint CALENDAR

Join A Group Or Team!
Come get connected with CenterPoint
We're Here For You
Have Questions? Need Prayer?


We love that you’re here! The Leaders of CenterPoint would like the chance to get to know you and share how you can be a part of all that God is doing in our community.


1.) CenterPoint Family Connect Facebook Group
2.) axis.org
3.) theparentcue.org
4.) Book Recommendation: Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley.

Northwood Contact Us:


Hi! Nice To See You!

We love that you’re here! Our follow-up team would love to have the opportunity to get to know you and share how you can be a part of what God is doing in our community.

Stephen Ministry Contact Us:

Young Adults Contact Us:

Mom-To-Mom Contact Us:

MC/MEN Contact Us:

Anchored Contact Us:

What to expect…

·        Group of attenders in worship center 100+.

·        Seating will be set up for people to choose their own social distancing.

·        We are following CDC guidelines for masking.

·       Please screen each member of your family PRIOR to coming to 20 North State St using the questions below.

Screening Questions

i.               Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

ii.              Have you had a fever or felt feverish in the last 72 hours/3 days?

iii.            Are you experiencing any respiratory symptoms including, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose or shortness of breath?

iv.            Are you experiencing any new muscle aches or chills?

v.              Have you experienced any new change in your sense of taste or smell?