In order to realize the vision of a community committed to living and sharing a life-changing relationship with Jesus together, we will cultivate a culture of:

Humble Dependence on God
Integrating God’s Word, which helps us learn to listen and obey Him, we will submit ourselves to the leadership of God in every area of our lives. This is a daily, ever-expanding pattern of growth for everyone, no matter how long they have been walking with God. We will also celebrate God’s character and activity in our lives by fostering gratitude and praise to God. Hebrews 4; Isaiah 41:13; Proverbs 4:6-7; Matthew 7:7-11.
Gracious Authenticity
Setting aside pretense, we will grow in our capacity to be real about ourselves and invite others to experience that same grace and forgiveness, remembering that we are on a journey to fully embrace new life in Christ and a new identity continually shaped by him. Romans 12:9; 1 Timothy 1:5; Matthew 5:9; James 5:16; Ephesians 4:29-32
Courageous Faith
When God speaks, we will listen and obey, embracing the risks that such faith requires. We will spur each other on, encouraging and challenging each other to walk in boldness with God through the empowerment and leadership of the Holy Spirit. Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:6; Matthew 5:37; 2 Timothy 1:7; Matthew 14:22-33
Radical Love
We will guard, invest in, and find strength in the family of God. We will set aside the individualism of our culture and embrace the realities of what it means to be a new community in Christ. This love also compels us to invite people all around us to join us in experiencing a life-changing relationship with Jesus. 1 John 4:18-19; John 13:1-17; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 6:27-36; Matthew 22:37-40; Matthew 6:14-15; Ephesians 4:15-16
Contagious Joy
Joy is the enthusiastic and healing response to belonging. We will foster environments where everyone knows that they belong and are able to share the joy of being together in Christ as his family. John 15:11; Romans 15:13; Proverbs 17:22; Luke 15:1-27; Philippians 4:4; Nehemiah 8:10
Selfless Generosity
We will create margin in our lives so we can give more of our lives away in Jesus’ name. We grow in Christ-likeness when we give, love, and serve generously, we will be a community of people who pursue opportunities to give away what we have been given in holistic, helpful, and loving ways. John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Acts 2:35; Philippians 2:3-4; 1 Corinthians 10:24; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5; Mark 12:1; John 15:13
Whole-life Redemption
We will increasingly experience God’s grace and truth in every area of our lives. As people who are continually experiencing healing and freedom in our walk with Jesus, we will join him on his mission to rescue the lost, heal the broken, and free the oppressed. Luke 10:37; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:13-14; 2 Peter 5:6


1.) CenterPoint Family Connect Facebook Group
4.) Book Recommendation: Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley.

Northwood Contact Us:


Hi! Nice To See You!

We love that you’re here! Our follow-up team would love to have the opportunity to get to know you and share how you can be a part of what God is doing in our community.

Stephen Ministry Contact Us:

Young Adults Contact Us:

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What to expect…

·        Group of attenders in worship center 100+.

·        Seating will be set up for people to choose their own social distancing.

·        We are following CDC guidelines for masking.

·       Please screen each member of your family PRIOR to coming to 20 North State St using the questions below.

Screening Questions

i.               Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

ii.              Have you had a fever or felt feverish in the last 72 hours/3 days?

iii.            Are you experiencing any respiratory symptoms including, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose or shortness of breath?

iv.            Are you experiencing any new muscle aches or chills?

v.              Have you experienced any new change in your sense of taste or smell?


We love that you’re here! The Leaders of CenterPoint would like the chance to get to know you and share how you can be a part of all that God is doing in our community.